Canticle of Creation
All praise to God for Brother Sun who warms us, And brother Fire, robust and quick at play, For Sister Moon, whose light of pearl enchants us, And Sister Stars whose beauty guides our way. Thou sisters of the uncreated Splendor, Thou Brothers of the fire within our soul, Sing to the Love embracing all creation, The blazing light of God that fills the Whole.
All praise to God for Sister Earth who bears us, Rainbows of flowers, and fruits that meet our needs; For Brother Rain, whose touch brings joy and freshness, Who freely gives, and never counts the deeds. Thou brother of the generous Rain, the Spirit, Thou sister of the bursting Seed unfurled, Sing to the Love embracing all creation, Let peace bud forth and bear throughout the world.
All praise to God for Sister birds high-soaring Who greet the dawn with songs of lilting mirth, For Brother worms who make their way slow-crawling, The patient gardeners who till the earth. Thou brothers of the humble Brother Francis, Thou sisters of the angel-voicéd soul, Sing to the Love embracing all creation, Let songs of joy resound throughout the whole.
Transliterated from Francis of Assisi's "Canticle of the Sun" by Faith Bowman Music of "Londonderry Air"